Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Blog Post #2(Supreme Court)

When going through the video about the Supreme Court, I learned much that I did not know before and learned more about what I previously had knowledge about as the video went into intricate detail. One thing that I learned that I did not know prior to watching this video was that each Justice who is part of the Supreme Court has secretaries and law clerks who are hired to assist them while looking into trials and making the decision on the outcome of each trial that gets put into their hands. Even though they have this small staff working alongside them, each Justice is responsible for their own work no matter what happens. I find this very interesting because if there was the tiniest mistake made on behalf of one of a Jsutice's helpers, everything would fall onto the Justice whose case it had been.

 A piece of information I found astonishing when observing the video was that the supreme court receives almost 100 cases each week, and ends the year off with receiving around 7,000 total cases. Out of all of these cases that get sent in to petition against a lower ruling or certiorari, only about a hundred of them actually get looked at and go further into a trial, and the rest of them get dismissed. Before viewing this video I would have assumed that the Supreme Court received way more cases and accepted way less of these cases out of the amount they receive throughout each year, but I was wrong. 

This video is filled with many different fragments that show how much the Supreme Court easily makes a difference in the society that we live in. A main takeaway I got from this video was seeing how much effort the Supreme Court really puts in when it comes down to making decisions on what cases to take. Each Justice sits down with each others once a week and takes that whole day discussing the cases that had been sent their way. Every person is allowed to voice their opinions on the case, and every Justice gets to say what they want with no interruptions or others belittling your thoughts. It really goes to show that these Justice's put in a tremendous amount of effort, and have an open mind when deeply diving into each case that is put onto their table. 

This brings me to my final view on what my thoughts are on The Supreme Court. This video changed the perspective that I have had on The Supreme Court through the last few years. I have always believed in The Supreme Court since I know they have to make a tremendous amount of difficult decisions each day when choosing what cases to continue on while also creating a solution for all those cases. Yet, I never realized how much effort and time goes into each and every case that gets brought to their attention. I really like the fact that everyone on the board takes the time to listen to everyone's opinions and they don't just allow each other's opinions to go in one ear and out the other if they do not agree whatsoever. They all get involved with everyone's opinions, which is something lots of people do not have the patience to do day after day. The Justice's have very excellent patience and stress on their shoulder in their position of work, and we should celebrate them and what they do for many people in our country each and every day.

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