Wednesday, March 13, 2024

My Top 5 New Sources (blog post #1)

    When it comes to the news and information, I tend to find out about news and information in many different ways. I don't tend to go digging around for news unless I am not receiving enough information when finding out about it, but when I do need to do some digging there are many different ways that I find out about what is going on in the world.

Since sorting through many different platforms can be stressful and a nightmare at times, I am going to share with you the top 5 ways I receive trending information and the platforms I use to research more on this information.

Other People:

Although hearing information and trending news is not considered a "credible source," it is a great way to find out what has been going on in the world if you haven't been kept up to date in other ways. Communicating what you know about specific topics to someone else can help them gain more knowledge on things they might not have been aware of and vice versa. So at the end of the day, you are helping out one another when you exchange your knowledge on different events. When someone informs you about a piece of news they heard about and you want to know more if there was not a lot of information given, it gives you the opportunity to do more research on what you have been told if you please. 


This may seem like a very simple way to find out information, but Google is such an easy way I find out what I need. On Google, I can search for any topic of interest I have and a massive list of articles pop up on my screen that I can choose from to read. When looking up a question, the articles that other people have found the most helpful and what people seem to find the most credible pop up first for you. Sometimes you even get lucky and you get the answer to your question highlighted in a sentence that Google has found in an article, then they even link the article underneath the answer if you want to know more. Google also has a "news" tab when you look up a recent event, and credible news sources pop up with articles for you to look through. Google gives you an endless amount of answers and that's what is so great about it. 


As much as I do not like to admit it, I spend an average of 20 hours a week using TikTok alone. Although this app is a place where people post videos mainly about their lives, many people run accounts where they post about breaking news or presidential campaigns.  I enjoy using TikTok for all the funny videos and the relatable content but I also really like that it knows me well enough to spread information that interests me and that I should be paying attention to. 

TikTok has this feature called the "For You Page," where they suggest videos that would interest you based off of the videos you have watched and searched for throughout your time on the app. This allows us as viewers to not have to go searching for the information we are looking for all the time, since it pops up right in your feed for you. This is a way for everyone to find out news and information in a more entertaining setting that TikTok provides for us. 

X(Aka the new name for Twitter):

X is another way I find easy and accessible when discovering breaking news and information. Once you have an active account on X you are allowed to follow different accounts, and along with following them, you can also control notifications for them. I follow accounts that I see as trustworthy and turn the notifications on for their new posts. This allows me to see these posts pop up and I can easily delete the notifications if I don't find them interesting or relevant to my daily life. 

On top of that X allows you to search anything in the search bar, and you can click the "most popular" or "most recent" feature when searching, which allows you to see what people have posted about each event of news. This helps you find information according to your preference of either credible sources, which tend to be verified, or from second-hand sources. 

Apple News:

Coming from an iPhone user, Apple News was one of the best apps they introduced to Apple products. Apple News allows me to get notifications on of breaking news or articles that have a title that draws you in so you feel the need to click and read. I love that when you go into the app it shows you the "Top Stories" as soon as you open the app, this allows you to reconnect with what has been going on in the world if you haven't been caught up recently. 

Another feature that is great is that if you go to the "following" feature on the app there is a section called "Suggested by Siri" that shows different genres of stories that fit your interests based off of your other apps. When something is more personable people tend to use it over and over, so Apple adding this feature is great for many people who like having their news be recommended by their interests. 


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