Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Age of AI (Blog #11)

Our lives evolve daily with the ample technology we have invented over the past several decades. One form of technology that has significantly developed in our lifetimes is Artificial Intelligence, also known to us as AI. Even though AI can be helpful throughout our busy days, it can also be harmful in scary the deeper you look into it. When I went through and watched  "The Age of AI" Frontline episode released by PBS, it gave many reasons why AI can be useful but also the other side of things that can be harmful or terrifying when you think too deeply about what AI truly is.

AI does have a positive reflection when it comes to our everyday lives and can make them drastically
easier with all the robotic machines that are used by many different companies. Many companies have robots fulfilling orders in warehouses because the technology moves at a rate that humans cannot possibly stay at consistently, which allows the companies to fulfill way more orders throughout the day compared to when humans would fulfill them. As this can technically be seen as damaging due to human jobs being replaced by these machines, which is true, it opens up other job opportunities to other positions that need to be filled. For example, at some Amazon warehouses, they have robotic equipment packing orders or sorting what needs to be packaged by human associates. This creates a faster rate of orders being ready to be shipped which means they would need to hire more truck drivers since there would now be many more trucks filled. So in reality yes people are losing their jobs but these jobs being lost gain room for more job openings in other areas of the company.

Continuing with the topic of Amazon and AI, Amazon has its whole line of "Echo" products that are constructed by AI. This technology allows you to use a keyword to activate the listening feature of the device and then after you speak it proceeds to give you an answer. These devices are useful in our lives as they answer questions so you don't have to go looking for them, help manage other electronic features in your house, and also help people communicate with one another. These great products are useful, but also no one ever thinks about the data they begin to collect from everything you demand the product do. Over time they begin to grasp an understanding of the things we like and what we do daily, and they use this information to promote specific features, websites, companies, and more to you as you scroll through your devices. Just think about it, if a company can take your data and use it don't you think other people around the world can too, this is where it becomes scary.

Everywhere you go nowadays there tends to be a camera in every corner you look in and these cameras can gain a lot more information than you think. When watching the video they discussed a company called "Megvii" which is known for its advanced surveillance systems that are seen out in public areas. Supposedly these cameras can detect people, but not just by the look of their faces. These cameras help identify people by the way they walk, where they are seen going, and even by their license plates which are tracked place by place until you reach the driveway of your home. These companies can know more about you than what you believe you know about yourself, which means that the government could know more about you than what you know about yourself. Security can be important when incidents occur and to stop any harm before it is done, but security like this is just ludicrous and an invasion of privacy. It's also funny to me that if you try to open "Megvii's" website it says "cannot be loaded," something about that doesn't feel right.

Backtracking to AI being a problem when it comes to jobs as it advances, ChatGPT is one of those aspects that can easily ruin our future generations. ChatGPT allows people to look up questions they may have or create certain documents that are requested by these people using the platform. Although this may be super helpful in some cases this platform has grown in users within the past year due to students who do not want to do their homework or write essays. These students are using this tool to cheat on assignments, which isn't even the worst part. because it also means these students are not maintaining any of the information that they are expected to learn. This means that people are gaining these degrees and do not have the proper knowledge that they are expected to know because of the title of the degree they have received. This can cause many issues and have people out of jobs because they do not qualify for them because they never retained knowledge. 

Overall AI is an invention that can perceived as a good thing while it has so many benefits and creates an easier lifestyle for all of us but also has its quirks as it isn't always the safest invention for us when it comes to our personal privacy of just simply living our lives. We must be careful when we continue to live our lives each day as technology could catch up to us at any moment and swipe away the true society we have taken much time to build.

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